Clinics We Offer
![a stethoscope](/Public/M89026/Image/333d5385-3aa8-4544-9d58-255df9c59f1d.jpg)
- Physiotherapyby appointments at Hurst Lane North Clinic and at the Surgery premises.
- Smoking Cessationby appointment with the Health Care Assistant.
- Minor Surgerythese are carried out at the surgery following consultation with doctor.
- Maternity Servicesall the GP's in the practice offer maternity services. Doctors can be consulted in surgery hours and thereafter at antenatal clinics held with the midwife.
- Health Promotions, Regular Asthma Clinics, Diabetic Clinics, Well Woman Clinics and Well Person appointmentsare held at the surgery. If you have not been seen in the last 3 years, or are over 75 and have not been seen in the last 12 months, the practice will undertake health checks as appropriate.
The following clinics are available by appointment
- Contraceptive Services.
- Cervical Smears
- Well Woman Advice
Other Clinics
- Antenatal: Wednesday and Fridays
- Vaccinations and Immunisation: Clinics Monday and Fridays.
- Baby Clinic by appointment.